Leave it all behind
Leave it all behind
Exhibition :
Thursday, February 6th, 2020 to Saturday, April 4th, 2020
Opening Night :
Thursday, February 6th, 2020
Among the artist’s favorite themes is evasion and the desire to passively resist everyday worries by creating a world of bright colors, dancing and playful forms.
These are the everyday worries that the artist invites us to leave behind, Leave it all behind, to appreciate the instant and let ourselves be surprised by the simplicity of his typographies which appear or on the contrary merge with pop and colorful backgrounds.
By using positive sentences or words while combining them with bright and exuberant colours, his work could seem naive and innocent when facing the issues and challenges of our modern society. But in the end, isn’t it easier to give in to catastrophism or a certain fatalism, rather than defending the «joie de vivre» as the Anglo-Saxons call it, and demonstrate unfailing optimism?
It would also be too simple and simplistic to sum up Ceizer’s work as a succession of good words and tones for exclusively decorative purposes.
For years, he has been twisting, distorting, interpreting and appropriating letters and their curves for the biggest brands. He uses his experiences to invent a new language navigating between figuration and abstraction (as in the work «Out of words») following the example of Tom Wesselmann’s last works which combined Pop and abstraction.
Brussels Crespel